• Defensa 540, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
  • (5411) 4342-4459
  • info@andoycia.com.ar

About Ando



We are a small-large company recognized in the country for its reputation and seriousness. Many years in the market, the variety and quality of our products  (specialties) and the long and trusting relationship with our suppliers, guarantee our commitment and responsibility to the agricultural sector.


Founded in 1918 by Sadao Ando under the name of S. Ando y Cía., its main activity was the importation of  Japanese products. In 1949, with the support of Eng. Keikichi Utsumi, the company ventured into what today is its core business, the commercialization of phytosanitary products.

In 1974 after several years of continued growth, S. Ando y Cía took a great leap becoming the main distributor of agrochemicals and fertilizers  products from Japanese origin in Argentina.

 Sadao Ando together with Eng. Roberto Kihara managed to position the company at the top of the agrochemical market in the country, being the exclusive representatives of Hache Uno, an herbicide of the company Ishihara (Japan).


After Sadao Ando passed away, the company was managed by Kenkichi Utsumi, and currently is chaired by his daughter Patricia Utsumi.

The company is always focused on finding new niches and molecules. We are characterized by identifying problems (current and future ones) and searching for possible solutions, in many cases, developing new  molecule uses or sometimes, incorporating a solution that our wide range of prestigious suppliers offer us.

We have our own laboratory and formulation plant which allow us to persistently improve by adapting to the needs growers require.

After several decades we still keep close relationship with Japanese companies in the sector, such us: Sumitomo Chemical, Nihon Nohyaku Co. Ltd., Mitsui & Co., Nippon Soda Co. Ltd., OAT Agrio, Agro-Kanesho Co. Ltd., Hokko Chemical Industry and Nissan Chemical.


Our main markets are fruit-culture and horticulture, where we have a wide portfolio. We are pioneers in the development and marketing of plant growth regulators in Argentina. Together with our English partner Fine Agrochemicals Ltd, we position products such as Giberelina Ka, Exilis Plus and Perlan, products widely used in fruit production in our country.

We have exclusive molecules for crop protection, which are today essential tools in agricultural production.

Another important pillar of the company is “plant nutrition”, we have more than 25 foliar fertilizers and  correctors. In recent years we have been developing bio-stimulants from the multinational company De Sangosse, being a new technology that is gaining greater prominence each day.

We also offer organic products, understanding the need for this type of solutions. We currently have four products widely used in areas of Río Negro and Neuquén where 80% of the country's pears and apples are produced.



Provide innovative solutions to the agricultural sector, enabling its greatest economic benefit with the least environmental impact. To do so, we have a highly trained professional team for all the regional economies of our country, sharing their knowledge with growers in a daily basis.

With Japanese discipline and the values inherited by our ancestors, we assume the commitment and responsibility with the growers, offering the most effective and sustainable solutions, thinking about the wellness of future generations and the profitability of the activity.