• Defensa 540, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
  • (5411) 4342-4459
  • info@andoycia.com.ar



NITRUR® TURIBAC acts on different species of mosquitoes such as Anopheles, Aedes aegypti, A.leucocelaenus, Culex and Taenior hynchus. Its composition is made up Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis spores +  extra Delta-toxin crystals. The cause of insects death is the combination of bacteria spores and toxic crystals, making it an effective insecticide and innocuous.

It must be applied to water (sewers, reflecting pools, storm drains, artificial and natural lagoons, puddles and ditches, swamps, static fountains, treatment plants, rivers, aquatic hazards on golf courses, swamps, etc.). The product acts on the wáter surface and not on its volume because the larvae lives there, so mosquitoes and gnats lay their eggs on the surface and stay on it most of the time to oxygenate themselves.

It is for this reason that a uniform surface spray is recommended.


  • PRODUCT TYPE: Biological Insecticide
  • FORMULATION: Emulsifiable liquid
  • COMPOSICIÓN: Bacillus thuringiensis var. Israelensis 1,2%
  • ORIGIN: Argentina